Christology * Christology [Христология] * Early Christologies [Ранние христологии] (I) * Low/adoptionist and high/incarnation Christology [Низкая/усыновительная и высокая христология] * Logos [Logos Theology, Word-become-man; Логос] * Incarnation [God the Son, God-become-man, Logos made flesh; Воплощение] * [TODO: God the Son, Son of God] * Son of God vs Son of Man * Son of man [Christianity; Сын человеческий] * ECUMENICAL COUNCILS AND HERESY * Вселенские соборы [Ecumenical councils] * First seven ecumenical councils [concept not recognized by Orthodoxy] (325-787) * Controversies and ecumenical councils (II-VIII) * First Council of Nicaea [Первый Никейский собор] (325) * Nicene Creed [Creed of Nicaea 325; Никейский Символ веры <> Creed of Constantinople 381] * Антиохийский собор [поместный собор; Council of Antioch] (341) * Council of Arles [поместный собор ??, Арльский/Арелатский собор ??] (353) * First Council of Constantinople [Second Ecumenical Council; Первый Константинопольский собор, Второй Вселенский собор] (381) * Council of Ephesus [Эфесский собор] (431) * Robber Council Of Ephesus [Second Council of Ephesus; Второй Эфесский собор, разбойничий собор, собор монофизитов] (449) * Leo's Tome [Томос к Флавиану] (451?) * Council of Chalcedon [Халкидонский собор, Четвёртый Вселенский Собор] (451) * Chalcedonian Definition [Халкидонский Символ веры] (451) * Christological heresies and the Definition of Chalcedon (451) * Eusebius of Dorylaeum (V; bishop) * Flavian II of Antioch (d 512) * Второй Константинопольский собор [Пятый Вселенский Собор; Second Council of Constantinople, Fifth Ecumenical Council] (553) * Третий Константинопольский собор [Шестой Вселенский Собор; Third Council of Constantinople, Sixth Ecumenical Council] (680-681) * Quinisext Council [Trullan Council; Трулльский собор] (692) * Second Council of Nicaea [Seventh Ecumenical Council; Второй Никейский собор, Седьмой Вселенский собор] (787) * Heresy in Christianity [Ереси в христианстве] * SCHISM * Schism in Christianity [Раскол в христианстве] * Antioch vs Alexandria (IV-V ??) * Catechetical School of Antioch [Антиохийская школа] (II-V ??) * Catechetical School of Alexandria [Александрийская богословская школа] (II-V ??) * Henotikon [Энотикон] (482) * Acacian schism [Акакианская схизма] (V/VI) * Three-Chapter Controversy [Спор о трёх главах] (VI) * Schism of the Three Chapters [-> Спор о трёх главах] (553-698) * DOCTRINAL HERESIES * TRINITY * Godhead in Christianity [Божественность, Божество, Абсолют] * Trinity [Троица] * Hypostasis [Ипостась] * HERESIES: TRINITY * Nontrinitarianism [Антитринитаризм] * Unitarianism [God is one; Унитарианство] (XVI-) * Binitarianism [twofold godhead, eg Father, Son; Бинитаризм] (I) * Trinitarianism * Procession of the Son and Spirit * Perichoresis [Перихорисис] * Quaternism [fourfold godhead; ??] * Tritheism [accusation; Тритеизм, Троебожие] * CHRIST * Person of Christ [Личность Христа] * Hypostasis vs nature/physis [Ипостась, физис] * Hypostatic union [Ипостасное соединение, ипостасный союз] * Physis [Christian theology; Фюсис, физис, фюзис] * HERESIES: TRINITY, NATURE OF CHRIST * Monophysitism [a single divine nature; Монофизитство] (III) * Docetism [Christ as a phantasm; Докетизм] (III ??) * Eutychianism [Phantasiasts, Christ's humanity consumed by the divine; Евтихианство <> Euchites !!] (IV-V) * Eutyches [Евтихий, ересиарх] (c 380-c 456) * Haesitantes [rejected Chalcedon; ??] (V) * Acephali [headless/leaderless ones; Акефалы, акефалиты] (V) * Nestorianism [radical dyophisitism, two distinct persons, human and divine; Несторианство] (V) * Christotokos [Nestorianism; Христотокос] * Theotokos [God-bearer, Mother of God; Богородица] * Prosopon [divine person; "Просопон"] * Кнома [Qnoma] * Apollinarianism [Аполинарианство] (IV) * Agnoetae [Themistians, limited human Christ; Агноиты, агниты] (VI) * TODO: Dyophysitism [Диофизитство] * TODO: Homoousion [Единосущие] * Homoousion, Homoiousion, Homoians/Acacians, Heterousians/Anomoeans * Monarchianism [God is one, but may express himself in different ways, for example modes; Монархианство] * Modalistic Monarchianism [Modalism, Sabellianism; Модализм, Савеллианство] * Sabellianism [Modalism, Patripassianism; Савеллианство, Патрипассианство] (III) * Theopaschism [belief that a god can suffer; Теопасхизм, богострастная ересь] * Adoptionism [Dynamic Monarchism, Dynamism; Адопционизм, Динамические Монархиане, Динамизм] (II) * Spanish Adoptionism [Испанский адопционизм] (VIII-IX) * Marcellianism ["modified Sabellianism", modalism ??; Маркеллианство] (IV) * Subordinationism [Son and Holy Spirit are subordinate to God the Father; Субординационизм] * Arianism [begotten Christ, not homoousian; Арианство] (IV) * Anomoeanism [Eunomianism, radical Arianism, fully dissimilar Christ; Аномейство] (IV) * Acacians [Homoian Arianism, Acacianism, Homoiousianism; Омии, Акакине] (IV) * Homoiousian [Homoiousios; Омиусиане, подобосущники] (IV) * Semi-Arianism [homoiousian Christ/Spirit; Полуариане, семиариане] (IV) * Pneumatomachi [Macedonians, Semi-Arians, non-divine Spirit; Македонианство, пневматомахия] (IV) * Miaphysitism [Cyrillians, non-Chalcedonian, one both human and divine nature; Миафизитизм, Миафизитство] (V) * Севириане [миафизитство; Severians] (VI) * Aphthartodocetism [Julianists, Phantasiasts; incorruptible Christ; Афтартодокетизм, юлианизм, Фантазиасты] (VI) * Neo-Chalcedonism [Неохалкидонизм] (VI) * Monothelitism [dyophisite Christ has one will; Монофелитство] (VII) * Dyothelitism [dyophysite Christ has two wills; Диофелитство] (VII) * Моноэнергизм [Monoenergism, Christ had one energy] (VII) * Dyoenergism [Christ has two energies; Диоэнергизм] (VII) * Небесная плоть Христа [Аполлинарий Лаодикийский; Apollinaris of Laodicea, Heavenly Flesh of Christ] * Celestial/Heavenly flesh of Christ [Melchior Hoffmann, anabaptism, Menno Simons; Небесная плоть Христа] (XVI)