* Catherine Monvoisin. Catherine Monvoisin, or Montvoisin, née Deshayes, known as "La Voisin" (c. 1640 – February 22, 1680), was a French fortune teller, commissioned poisoner, and professional provider of alleged sorcery. She was the head of a network of fortune tellers in Paris providing poison, aphrodisiacs, abortion, purported magical services and the arranging of black masses, with clients among the aristocracy, and became the central figure in the famous affaire des poisons. Her purported organization of commissioned black magic and poison murder was suspected to have killed 1,000 people, but it is believed that upwards of 2,500 people might have been murdered.
* Hellfire Club. Hellfire Club was a name for several exclusive clubs for high-society rakes established in Britain and Ireland in the 18th century. The name is most commonly used to refer to Sir Francis Dashwood's Order of the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe. Such clubs were rumoured to be the meeting places of "persons of quality" who wished to take part in socially perceived immoral acts, and the members were often involved in politics. Neither the activities nor membership of the club are easy to ascertain. The clubs were rumoured to have distant ties to an elite society known only as The Order of the Second Circle. The first official Hellfire Club was founded in London in 1718, by Philip, Duke of Wharton and a handful of other high society friends. The most notorious club associated with the name was established in England by Sir Francis Dashwood, and met irregularly from around 1749 to around 1760, and possibly up until 1766. In its later years, the Hellfire was closely associated with Brooks's, established in 1764. Other clubs using the name "Hellfire Club" were set up throughout the 18th century. Most of these clubs were set up in Ireland after Wharton's had been dissolved. Клуб а́дского пла́мени (англ. The Hellfire Club) — такое название получили в английской историографии несколько закрытых обществ вольнодумцев из либеральных кругов аристократии Англии и Ирландии в XVIII в., которые тайно собирались в различных уголках Великобритании на протяжении XVIII века. Девизом этих кружков была раблезианская фраза «Делай что желаешь» (фр. Fais ce que tu voudras). Данный лозунг был выгравирован на входной двери Клуба адского пламени, основанном в 1746 году Фрэнсисом Дэшвудом (англ.)русск. Деятельность клубов не афишировалась, оттого их занятия и состав участников представляют благодатную почву для спекуляций. Философия жизни членов клуба благодаря их девизу ассоциируется как с Франсуа Рабле и его произведением «Гаргантюа и Пантагрюэль» и Телемским аббатством, так и с позднейшими философскими и теологическими изысканиями Алистера Кроули. Самый первый Клуб Адского Пламени был основан в Лондоне в 1719 году лордом Филиппом Уортоном и его близкими друзьями. Наиболее знаменитый клуб под таким названием был основан в Англии бароном Фрэнсисом Дэшвудом. Члены клуба встречались периодически примерно с 1749 по 1760 год, а возможно и до 1766 года. Другие Клубы с таким названием были открыты по всей империи в течение XVIII в. // "Предшественниками современного сатанизма модно назвать кружок мадам Ля Вуазьен во Франции в 17 веке и "Клуб Адского Пламени" под руководством Френсиса Дэшвуда в Англии в 18 веке и др. В этих организациях, скорее развлекательных , чем религиозных, проводились «черные мессы» по сценариям, описанным средневековой инквизицией, но имевшие скорее общественно-политический подтекст, являвшиеся театральными действами, а не обрядами." https://studopedia.su/13_23242_stadii-razvitiya-religii-po-sisteme-r-belli.html
* English Mistery. The English Mistery ("Mistery" being an old word for a guild) was a political and esoteric group active in the United Kingdom of the 1930s. A "Conservative fringe group" in favour of bringing back the feudal system, its views have been characterised as "reactionary ultra-royalist, anti-democratic". It was against everything to do with welfare, the London School of Economics, and the United States.
* Южинский кружок [мамлеевский кружок; Iuzhinskii Circle]. Южинский кружок, он же «мамлеевский кружок» — неформальный литературный и оккультный клуб, первоначально собиравшийся на квартире писателя Юрия Мамлеева, расположенной в доме по Южинскому переулку. Считается, что собрания Южинского кружка оказали существенное влияние на идеологию и взгляды многих впоследствии известных российских гуманитариев. После высылки из страны самого Мамлеева кружок продолжил свои собрания на той же квартире и продолжил своё существование до начала 1990-х годов. Известные участники кружка: Юрий Мамлеев; Евгений Головин; Александр Дугин (пост-мамлеевский период); Гейдар Джемаль; Игорь Дудинский; Валентин Провоторов; Смирнов Алексей Глебович (фон Раух). // The Iuzhinskii Circle: Far-Right Metaphysics in the Soviet Underground and Its Legacy Today. This paper explores an unknown page of Russia's intellectual history, the trajectory of the Iuzhinskii or Golovin Circle. This underground circle was a key actor of the Moscow Boheme and shaped the underground intellectual life from the 1960s to the 1980s. The circle considered that replying to the Soviet regime was to be found not in a rival political ideology, but in metaphysics and search for another level or reality. This esoteric quest contributed to the discovery of Western far right ideological precepts and their introduction in the Soviet and then Russian environments. This group seeks to move beyond classical discourse on Russia's unique and specific path by counterbalancing (but not denying) it with broader references borrowed from what is called esoteric Fascism. In three decades, the Iuzhinskii Circle evolved from Mamleev's understanding of an alternate metaphysics to Golovin's discovery of a provocative counterpolitics, to Dugin's revisiting of Nazi mysticism. The Russian Review - Answering Putin's Challenge: The Political Strategy of Russian Nationalists // {<> ??} Головин, Евгений Всеволодович (1938-2010). Евге́ний Все́володович Голови́н — русский писатель, поэт, переводчик и литературовед. Оккультист, специалист по эзотерике, знаток алхимии, мистик. Автор песен, культуролог и филолог. // Британский историк Марк Сэджвик описывает, как советская маргинальная интеллигенция разработала «третий путь». «Кружок Головина» изобрел русский традиционализм в 1970-е годы
* I AM Movement [theosophy, New Age]. The "I AM" Movement is the original Ascended Master Teachings religious movement founded in the early 1930s by Guy Ballard (1878–1939) and his wife Edna Anne Wheeler Ballard (1886–1971) in Chicago, Illinois. It is an offshoot of theosophy and a major precursor of several New Age religions including the Church Universal and Triumphant. The movement believes in the existence of a group called the Ascended Masters, a hierarchy of supernatural beings that includes the original Theosophical Masters such as Jesus Christ, El Morya Khan, Maitreya, and in addition several dozen more beyond the original 20 Masters of the Ancient Wisdom of the original Theosophists as described by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. These "Ascended Masters" are believed to be humans who have lived in a succession of reincarnations in physical bodies or cosmic beings (beings originated from the great central sun of light in the beginning of all times). Over time, those who have passed through various “embodiments” became highly advanced souls, are able to move beyond the cycles of "re-embodiments" and karma, and attained their "Ascension", becoming immortal. The Ascended Masters are believed to communicate to humanity through certain trained messengers per Blavatsky, including Guy and Edna Ballard. Because Jesus is believed to be one of the Ascended Masters, making the "Christ Light" available to seekers who wish to move out of darkness, many of the members of the "I AM" Activity consider it to be a Christian religion. The "I AM" Activity was the continuation of the teachings received by H. P. Blavatsky and William Quan Judge. // William Quan Judge (April 13, 1851 – March 21, 1896) was an Irish-American mystic, esotericist, and occultist, and one of the founders of the original Theosophical Society.
* Новая хронологи я [New chronology, conspiracy theory, pseudoscience]. «Новая хронология» (сокращённо НХ) — псевдонаучная теория радикального пересмотра всемирной истории, созданная группой под руководством академика РАН, математика А. Т. Фоменко. Отвергнута научным сообществом как противоречащая установленным фактам, основанная на фальсификации и подтасовке данных. Методы, аксиомы и гипотезы НХ были неоднократно опровергнуты. В НХ утверждается, что существующая хронология исторических событий в целом неверна, что письменная история человечества значительно короче, чем принято считать, и не прослеживается далее X века нашей эры, а древние цивилизации и государства Античности и раннего Средневековья являются «фантомными отражениями» гораздо более поздних культур, вписанными в историческую летопись из-за неправильного (ошибочного или тенденциозного) прочтения и интерпретации источников. Авторы предлагают собственную реконструкцию истории человечества, в основе которой лежит гипотеза о существовании в Средние века гигантской империи с политическим центром на территории Руси, охватывающей почти всю территорию Европы и Азии (а согласно позднейшим публикациям — даже обе Америки). Противоречия «Новой хронологии» с известными историческими фактами её авторы объясняют глобальной фальсификацией исторических документов. «Новая хронология» использует более ранние идеи русского революционера и учёного Н. А. Морозова по глобальному пересмотру хронологии мировой истории, пропагандировавшиеся в 1970-х годах на механико-математическом факультете МГУ М. М. Постниковым. Первоначальный вариант теории был сформулирован в начале 1980-х годов в серии публикаций А. Т. Фоменко и с 1981 года развивается им совместно с Г. В. Носовским при эпизодическом участии других соавторов. В середине 1990-х годов теория преобразовалась в коммерческий проект. К началу 2011 года по «Новой хронологии» издано более 100 книг общим тиражом около 800 тысяч экземпляров. На специалистов по истории оказывалось административное давление в форме деликатной просьбы не критиковать Фоменко на его публичных выступлениях. New chronology (Fomenko). The new chronology is a pseudohistorical conspiracy theory proposed by Anatoly Fomenko who argues that events of antiquity generally attributed to the civilizations of the Roman Empire, Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt, actually occurred during the Middle Ages, more than a thousand years later. The theory further proposes that world history prior to AD 1600 has been widely falsified to suit the interests of a number of different conspirators including the Vatican, the Holy Roman Empire, and the Russian House of Romanov, all working to obscure the "true" history of the world centered around a global empire called the "Russian Horde".
* Astral projection [astral travel, soul travel; Астральная проекция, астральное путешествие]. Astral projection is a term used in esotericism to describe an intentional out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an "astral body" that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it throughout the universe. The idea of astral travel is ancient and occurs in multiple cultures. The modern terminology of "astral projection" was coined and promoted by 19th-century Theosophists. It is sometimes reported in association with dreams, and forms of meditation. Some individuals have reported perceptions similar to descriptions of astral projection that were induced through various hallucinogenic and hypnotic means (including self-hypnosis). There is no scientific evidence that there is a consciousness or soul which is separate from normal neural activity or that one can consciously leave the body and make observations, and astral projection has been characterized as a pseudoscience. // Astral body. The Astral body is a subtle body posited by many philosophers, intermediate between the intelligent soul and the mental body, composed of a subtle material. In many recensions the concept ultimately derives from the philosophy of Plato though the same or similar ideas have existed all over the world well before Plato’s time: it is related to an astral plane, which consists of the planetary heavens of astrology. The term was adopted by nineteenth-century Theosophists and neo-Rosicrucians. Астральное тело. (...) Идея астрального тела уходит корнями в представления религиозных доктрин мира о загробной жизни, в которой путешествие души или «вознесение» описывается в таких терминах, как «экстатический.., мистический или внетелесный опыт, в котором духовный путешественник покидает физическое тело и путешествует в тонком теле (или теле снов или астральном теле) в „высших“ сферах». [U38]
* Breathwork [hyperventilation technique]. Breathwork is a New Age term for various breathing practices in which the conscious control of breathing is said to influence a person's mental, emotional or physical state, with a claimed therapeutic effect. Breathwork has no proven positive health impact other than promoting relaxation and can cause distress. (...) Holotropic Breathwork (a trademark) is a practice that uses breathing and other elements to putatively allow access to non-ordinary states of consciousness. It was developed by Stanislav Grof as a successor to his LSD-based psychedelic therapy, following the suppression of legal LSD use in the late 1960s. Following a 1993 report commissioned by the Scottish Charities Office, concerns about the risk that the hyperventilation technique could cause seizure or lead to psychosis in vulnerable people caused the Findhorn Foundation to suspend its breathwork programme. Холотропное дыхание. Холотро́пное дыха́ние (ХД) (англ. holotropic breathing) — метод трансперсональной психотерапии, заключающийся в гипервентиляции лёгких за счет учащённого дыхания. В результате вымывается СО2 из крови, сосуды мозга сужаются, начинается торможение коры головного мозга и активируется подкорка, что вызывает чувство эйфории, галлюцинации, изменённое состояние сознания и, по мнению сторонников метода, переживания, вытесненные в подсознание. Также наблюдается увеличение pH в крови, наступает респираторный алкалоз {alkalosis - excessive blood alkalinity}. Этот метод был разработан американским психологом чешского происхождения Станиславом Грофом и его женой Кристиной в 1970-е годы в качестве замены запрещённому ЛСД. Однако аналоги холотропному дыханию существовали в разных культурах мира на протяжении тысячелетий, например пранаяма в йоге, которую используют практикующие для входа в медитативное состояния сознания и достижения самадхи. Использование аналогичных методов вне предлагаемого для холотропного дыхания терапевтического применения — для получения удовольствия и галлюцинаций — является одной из разновидностей игр с асфиксией. Данная методика широко критикуется среди специалистов за её опасности для мозга (из-за гипоксии отмирают нервные клетки), а также за её претензии на связь с реальным опытом рождения. По мнению С. Степанова, ведущий группы холотропного дыхания сам навязывает практикующим ассоциации с опытом рождения, из-за которых у практикующих и возникают переживания этого типа.
* Annie Besant [Анни Безант] (1847-1933). Annie Besant was a British socialist, theosophist, women's rights activist, writer, orator, educationist, and philanthropist. Regarded as a champion of human freedom, she was an ardent supporter of both Irish and Indian self-rule. She was a prolific author with over three hundred books and pamphlets to her credit.
* Esoteric Christianity (XVIII). Esoteric Christianity is an approach to Christianity which features "secret traditions" that require an initiation to learn or understand. The term esoteric was coined in the 17th century and derives from the Greek ἐσωτερικός (esôterikos, "inner"). These spiritual currents share some common features, such as heterodox or heretical Christian theology; the canonical gospels, various apocalyptic literature, and some New Testament apocrypha as sacred texts;[citation needed] and disciplina arcani, a supposed oral tradition from the Twelve Apostles containing esoteric teachings of Jesus the Christ. Esoteric Christianity was closely related to gnosticism, and survives in a few modern churches. Ancient roots. Some modern scholars believe that in the early stages of proto-orthodox Christianity, a nucleus of oral teachings were inherited from Palestinian and Hellenistic Judaism. In the 4th century, it was believed to form the basis of a secret oral tradition which came to be called disciplina arcani. Mainstream theologians, however, believe that it contained only liturgical details and certain other traditions which remain a part of some branches of mainstream Christianity. Important influences on esoteric Christianity are the Christian theologians Clement of Alexandria and Origen, the leading figures of the Catechetical School of Alexandria.[need quotation to verify] Reincarnation was accepted by most Gnostic Christian sects such as Valentinianism and the Basilidians, but denied by the proto-orthodox one.[citation needed] While hypothetically considering a complex multiple-world transmigration scheme in De Principiis, Origen denies reincarnation in unmistakable terms in his work Against Celsus and elsewhere. Despite this apparent contradiction, most modern esoteric Christian movements refer to Origen's writings (along with other Church Fathers and biblical passages) to validate these ideas as part of the esoteric Christian tradition outside of the Gnostic schools, who were later considered heretical in the 3rd century. // Category: Esoteric Christianity. Esoteric Christianity refers to the study of the occult or mystic esoteric knowledge related to the inner teachings of Christianity. The term is generally associated with the Essenes and later the Rosicrucians. In esoteric Christianity, the religion of the Christ is taught as a mystery religion. Categories: Anthroposophy; Christian apocalyptic writings; Christian mysticism; Christian Kabbalah; Martinism; Order of the Solar Temple; Rosicrucianism. // De-institutionalization: The Christian Community does not require its members to conform to any specific teaching or behaviour. The Christian Community practices a complete freedom of teaching. The Priests may exert this freedom of teaching, provided that they do not contradict the sacraments which they celebrate. There is no official theology, nor articles of belief. Whatever is taught or written is a personal view. Basic tenets of some priests of the Christian Community are 1) free will, 2) reincarnation and 3) focus on Christ. For example, Jesus of Nazareth is seen as a physical vessel that enabled the spiritual being called Christ to influence the world. The ideology of some priests of the Christian Community could be summarized with the following points: 1) Modern man requires modern religion (movement). 2) The soul is immortal via reincarnation. 3) Jesus and Christ are separate entities, focus is on both. When Christ is spoken of in the sacraments, it is “Christ Jesus”, the risen Christ Jesus that is meant. 4) Christ is both, external and internal reality (Christ is not only ‘out there’ but at the same time ‘in here’). 5) The New Testament should have priority over other documents in Christianity. 6) No missionary work or public marketing should be done because finding this religion should be based on free will. (The Christian Community)
* Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa [occultist; Агриппа Неттесгеймский] (1486-1535). Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim was a German polymath, physician, legal scholar, soldier, theologian, and occult writer. He is considered one of the most influential occultists of the early modern period. His book on the occult Three Books of Occult Philosophy was published in 1533, but was condemned as heretical by the inquisitor of Cologne. His work drew heavily upon the influences of Kabbalah, Hermeticism and neo-Platonism. Агриппа Неттесгеймский. Агри́ппа Неттесгеймский (нем. Agrippa); настоящее имя Ге́нрих Корне́лиус Неттесгеймский (Heinrich Cornelius von Nettesheim; 14 сентября 1486, Кёльн, Священная Римская Империя — 18 февраля 1535, Гренобль, Франция) — немецкий гуманист, врач, алхимик, натурфилософ, оккультист, астролог и адвокат. Имя Агриппа взял в честь основателя своего родного города Кёльна. Основной труд Агриппы Неттесгеймского — «Тайная [оккультная] философия» (1510, изд. 1531—1533) — был настольной книгой для француза Элифаса Леви(1810—1875), создателя термина «оккультизм». Это сочинение из трёх частей, последовательных описаний трёх видов магии: натуральной (англ. natural magic), небесной и церемониальной, — отчасти причина прозвания Агриппы «чернокнижником», «колдуном» и «магом».
* Louis Claude de Saint-Martin [philosopher, mystic; Луи Клод де Сен-Мартен] (1743-1803). Louis Claude de Saint-Martin was a French philosopher, known as le philosophe inconnu, the name under which his works were published; he was an influential of the mystic and human mind evolution {??} and became the inspiration for the founding of the Martinist Order. In 1771, Saint-Martin left the army to become a preacher of mysticism. He was the first to translate the writings of Jakob Böhme from German into French. His later years were devoted almost entirely to the composition of his chief works and to the translation of Böhme. His published letters show that he was interested in spiritualism, magnetic treatments, magical evocation and the works of Emanuel Swedenborg. // Martinism. Martinism is a form of Christian mysticism and esoteric Christianity concerned with the fall of the first man, his state of material privation from his divine source, and the process of his return, called 'Reintegration' or illumination. As a mystical tradition, it was first transmitted through a masonic high-degree system established around 1740 in France by Martinez de Pasqually, and later propagated in different forms by his two students Louis Claude de Saint-Martin and Jean-Baptiste Willermoz. The term Martinism applies to both this particular doctrine and the teachings of the reorganized "Martinist Order" founded in 1886 by Augustin Chaboseau and Gérard Encausse (aka Papus). It was not used at the tradition's inception in the 18th century. This confusing disambiguation has been a problem since the late 18th century, where the term Martinism was already used interchangeably between the teachings of Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin and Martinez de Pasqually, and the works of the first being attributed to the latter. Regular transmission of Martinism to Augustin Chaboseau and Gérard Encausse still has to be documented.
* Christlieb [??; Христлиб ??]. It was not just what young Christlieb knew, it was also how he knew it that mattered most to Francke and his circle. Critics, such as Feusting, associated Halle's community if Pietists with religious enthusiasm (Schwärmerei {a. extravagant or unbalanced religious fervour}), which was roundly linked to spontaneous and highly emotive expressions of piety through ecstacies, prophetic visions or intensified outpourings of affection, and also anti-social or even irrational behaviour. (GB) ed. Claudia Jarzebowski, Thomas Max - Childhood and Emotion: Across Cultures 1450-1800