
* Apocalyptic literature [Apocalypse as a prophetical genre; Апокалиптическая литература, жанр] (-II-II)
* Eschatology [End-times theology; Эсхатология]
* Два Зверя Апокалипсиса [The Beast of Revelation, two beasts, beast out of the earth/sea]
* Destructive eschatology ['Деструктивная эсхатология'] About AD 200, apocalyptic expectations seem to have reached unusual levels
* Christian eschatology [Христианская эсхатология]
* Revelation - interpretation [Толкование Книги Откровение Иоанна Богослова]
* Apocalypticism [Catastrophic millennialism; acute, dramatic end time expectations; Апокалиптизм]
* Millenarianism [general expectation of change for the better; Милленаризм]
* Millennialism [Chiliasm ??, future age of justice, social utopia, messianic; Хилиазм, Милленниализм]
* Chiliasm [Christian Millennialism ??, literal interpretation of Revelation; Христианский милленниализм, хилиазм] Хилиазм
* Historicism [prophecy in fulfillment; Историцизм]
* Preterism [prophecy fulfilled, supersessionist; Претеризм]
* Covenant theology [Church as continuation of Israel]
* Supersessionism [replacement theology, Church replaces Israel; Теология замещения; Суперсессионизм]
* Premillennialism [literal interpretation, rapture; Премилленаризм]
* Sabbatical millennialism [seventh age, universal sabbath]
* Anno Mundi [year since world creation; "от сотворения мира"]
* Anno Domini [year since conception/birth of Christ]
* Chillegorism [figurative interpretation, Postmillennialism, Amillenialism; Хиллегоризм]
* Amillennialism [symbolic interpretation; Амилленаризм]
* Futurism [prophesied events yet to happen; Футуризм]
* Idealism [allegorical/spritual interpretation, Renaissance; Идеализм, "духовная интерпретация"]
* Postmillennialism [American Protestantism XIX, active participation, Social Gospel; Постмилленаризм]
* Annihilationism [conditional immortality, destruction of the soul; Аннигиляционизм]
* Second death [Spiritual death, lake of fire, destruction of the soul; Вторая смерть, Духовная смерть]
* Rapture [Восхищение Церкви]
* The Great Tribulation [Великая скорбь]
* Dispensationalism [spiritual eras, supersessionism; Диспенсационализм]
* Church of John [The Secret Church, esoteric, John the "Gnostic" Apostle; Тайная церковь Иоанна ??]
* The False Christ of Bourges [hermit, prophet, Messiah, Christ; Лжехрист из Бурже] (VI)
* Thiota [prophetess; Фиота ??] (fl 847)
* Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor [conversion of Slavs ??; Оттон III] (980-1002)
* Peace and Truce of God [Pax Dei, Treuga Dei, peace movement; Божий мир, Божье перемирие] (X/XI)
* Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah [Jerusalem, attacks on Christians and Jews; Аль-Хаким Биамриллах] (985-1021)
* Cluniac Reforms [monastic reform; Benedictine Reform; Клюнийская реформа] (IX)
* Rodulfus Glaber [Глабер, Рауль] (985–1047)
* Peter the Hermit [Cucupeter, Peter of Amiens, People's Crusade; Пётр Амьенский, Пётр Пустынник] (c 1050-????)
* People's Crusade [Peter the Hermit, massacre of Jews; Крестьянский крестовый поход] (1096)
* Emicho [Emicho of Leiningen, Emich of Flonheim; Емих ??] (X-XI)
* First Crusade [Princes' Crusade; Первый крестовый поход] (1096-1099)
* Franciscans [mendicant order; Францисканцы] (1208/9-)
* Fraticelli [Spiritual Franciscans; Фратичелли, Францисканцы-спиритуалисты, Спиритуалы] (XIII-XV)
* Peter John Olivi [Franciscan theologian and philosopher; Пётр Иоанн Оливи] (1248-1298)
* Joachim of Fiore [dispensationalism, Three Eras, Father, Son, Spirit; Иоахим Флорский] (1135-1202)
* Joachimites [Joachites; Иохамиты] (XIII)
* (elected in 1294)
* Three ages of Fiore's Millenialism [Три периода истории Иоахима Флорского]
* Вечное Евангелие [Evangelium aeternum, Everlasting Gospel, Franciscans, Fiore]
* Cult of the Holy Spirit [Cult of the Empire of the Holy Spirit] (XIV ??)
* Apostolic Brethren [Apostolics, Pseudo-Apostles, Segarelli, penitents; Апостолики] (XIII)
* Dulcinians (Dulcinites, Dulcinists, Fra Dolcino, Apostolics, "Gazzari", mountain fortress, violence; Дольчиниты)
* Fra Dolcino [reformer, heretic, Apostolics, Dulcinians, sinlessness; Дольчино] (1250-1307)
* Flagellants [penitents, self-flagellation, millenarians; Флагеллантство, движение «бичующихся»] (XIII-XIV)
* Konrad Schmid [flagellant leader, millenarian; Конрад Шмид] (d 1368)
* Arnaldus de Villa Nova [Arnold of Villanova, physician, religious reformer; Арнольд из Виллановы] (c 1240-1311)
* Jean de Roquetaillade [Johannes de Rupescissa; Жан де-ла-Роштальяд, Рупесисса] (c 1310-1366/70)
* Jacquerie [peasants' revolt, France; Жакерия] (1358)
* Shepherds' Crusade [Crusade of the Pastoreaux, attacks on Jews, clerics, students] (1251)
* Crusade of the Poor ["Shepherds' Crusade", attacks on Jews, authorities] (1309)
* Shepherds' Crusade [Crusade of the Pastoreaux, attacks on Jews, clerics, whatnot] (1320)
* Peasants' Revolt [Wat Tyler's Rebellion, Great Rising, England; Восстание Уота Тайлера] (1381)
* John Ball [rebel priest, Peasants' Revolt, social equality; Джон Болл] (c 1338-1381)
* Joseph Mede [scholar, apocalypticist; Джозеф Мид] (1586-1639)
* James Ussher [time and date of the creation; Джеймс Ашер] (1581-1656)
* English Civil War [Cromwell, Puritans, Charles I, Comonwealth republic; Английская революция, Английская гражданская война] (1642-1651)
* Roundhead [parliamentarians, apocalyptic factions; Круглоголовые, Раундхеды] (1640s)
* Diggers [True Levellers, 'apostolic socialists'; Диггеры, истинные левеллеры] (1649)
* Levellers [radical parliamentarians, equality, individualism; Левеллеры] (1640s)
* Fifth Monarchists [apocalypticists, 1666; Люди пятой монархии] (1649-1660)
* Independent [Protestants, congregationalists, separatists, Robert Brown; Индепенденты] (mid XVII)
* Puritan millennialism [Пуритане - милленниализм]
* Barebone's Parliament [Бербонский парламент]
* Irvingites [Irvingians, revivalists, Edward Irving, Catholic Apostolic Church; Ирвингиты, ирвингиане]
* Catholic Apostolic Church [Irvingian Church; Католическая апостольская церковь]
* Christadelphians ['resurrected millennialists'; Христадельфиане]
* Pietism [Pietistic Lutheranism; Пиетизм]
* Radical Pietism [independent from Lutheranism; Радикальный Пиетизм]
* Daniel Whitby [postmillennialism; Дэниел Уитби] (1638–1726)
* Great Awakening [revivalism; Великое пробуждение, Ривайвелизм]
* First Great Awakening [revivalism; Первое великое пробуждение, Великое пробуждение] (1730-1750)
* Second Great Awakening [revivalism; Второе Великое пробуждение] (XVIII/XIX)
* Third Great Awakening ['Третье великое пробуждение'] (XIX/XX)
* 1904–1905 Welsh revival [Уэльское/Валлийское пробуждение]
* Social Gospel [Социальный евангелизм] (early XX)
* Jonathan Edwards [theologian, New England theology]
* William Miller [preacher, Millerism, Adventism] (1782-1849)
* Adventism [Адвентизм] (183x)
* Samuel Hanson Cox
* John Nelson Darby [pre-tribulational, dispensational premillennialism, futurism, literalism, apocalypticism] (1800-1882)
* C I Scofield [dispensational premillennialism] (1843-1921)
* C H Dodd [realized eschatology] (1884-1973)
* Johannes Weiss [theologian, 'Jesus was wrong about the imminent end'] (1863-1914)
* Albert Schweitzer [vague, futurism ??] (1875-1965)
* Realized eschatology [vague] (XX)
* Consistent eschatology [vague] (XX)
* Historical Jesus [Исторический Иисус Христос]
* Inaugurated eschatology [Schweizer, vague; эсхатологическое предощущение ??] (XX)
* Rudolf Bultmann [liberal, existentialist ??, anti-historicism] (1884-1976)
* Neo-orthodoxy [transcendence, negative theology ??]
* Ernst Bloch [optimistic teleology] (1885-1977)
* Jürgen Moltmann [Theology of Hope] (b 1926)
* Nikolai Fyodorovich Fyodorov [transhumanism, Common Cause; Николай Фёдорович Фёдоров ] (1829–1903)
* Бессмертники [Воскресники; Immortalists, Resurrectionists ??] — мистическая христианская секта, распространённая в России в XIX - начале XX веков, основой вероучения которой была вера в потенциальное всеобщее физическое бессмертие людей
* Symbolism [Символизм] (XIX/XX)
* Pierre Teilhard de Chardin [Пьер Тейяр де Шарден] (1881-1955)
* Vladimir Vernadsky [Владимир Иванович Вернадский] (1863-1945)
* Sergei Bulgakov on chiliasm [Сергей Булгаков о хилиазме]
* Transatlantic millennialism ['Трансатлантический милленниализм']
* Apocatastasis [Апокатастасис]
* Cosmic fire theme ['Тема космического огня']
* Pantheirm - Divine sperm (Stoics)
* Gnostic cosmic transformation [does it even exist?; 'Гностическое космическое преображение']
* Apocalypse and gnosis ['Апокалипсис и гносис']